Uses Balancer math library for overflow/underflow checks on standard U256 containers. However, as many custom representations are used (i.e. non native word lengths) there are a number of explicit checks against the maximum of other word lengths. Furthermore there are unchecked operations (this code targets Solidity 0.7.x which didn't yet feature implicit arithmetic checks or have the 'unchecked' block feature) herein for reasons of efficiency or desired overflow. Wherever they appear they will be documented and accompanied with one of the following tags: - #unchecked - #overUnderFlowIntended Identified risks will be accompanied and described with the following tag: - #RISK
Conventions in the methods, variables and constants are as follows:
Fee Points (FP) is a system used herein to calculate applicable fees. THESE ABSOLUTELY SHOULD NOT BE CONFUSED WITH BASIS POINTS--THEY ARE NOT BASIS POINTS! It consists of fees, such as a swap fee, expressed in FP. The swap fee is multiplied by the amount of token being swapped and divided by the total fee points (TOTAL_FP), which is 100,000, to obtain the fee. For instance, a swap fee of 0.050% can be realized as follows:
Ensure that the modified function is called by an address that is the factory owner.
Cannot be used on Balancer Vault callbacks (onJoin, onExit, onSwap) because msg.sender is the Vault address.
Ensures that the modified function is called by an address with administrator privileges.
Cannot be used on Balancer Vault callbacks (onJoin, onExit, onSwap) because msg.sender is the Vault address.
Ensures the modified function is called by an address with arbitrage partner privileges.
Cannot be used on Balancer Vault callbacks (onJoin, onExit, onSwap) because msg.sender is the Vault address.
Ensures that the modified function is not executed if the pool is currently paused.
Creates an instance of the Cron-Fi TWAMM pool. A Cron-Fi TWAMM pool features virtual order management and virtualized reserves. Liquidity is managed through an instance of BalancerPoolToken. The fees associated with the pool are configurable at run-time.
contract IERC20
The contract instance for token 0.
contract IERC20
The contract instance for token 1.
contract IVault
The Balancer Vault instance this pool be a member of.
The name for this pool.
The symbol for this pool.
enum ICronV1PoolEnums.PoolType
A value in the enumeration PoolType that controls the initial fee values and Order Block Interval (OBI) of the pool. See the documentation for the PoolType enumeration for details.
Called by the vault when a user calls IVault.swap. Can be used to perform a Short-Term (ST) swap, Long-Term (LT) swap, or Partner swap ST swaps and Partner swaps behave like traditional Automated Market Maker atomic swaps (think Uniswap V2 swaps). LT swaps are virtual orders and behave differently, executing over successive blocks until their expiry. Each LT swap is assigned an order id that is logged in a LongTermSwap event and can also be fetched using getOrderIds for a given address. LT swaps can be withdrawn or cancelled through the IVault.exit function (see onExitPool documentation).
struct IPoolSwapStructs.SwapRequest
Is documented in Balancer's IPoolSwapStructs.sol. However, the userData field of this _swapRequest struct is a uint256 value, swapTypeU, followed by another uint256 value, argument, detailed below: * swapTypeU is decoded into the enum SwapType and determines if the transaction is a RegularSwap, LongTermSwap, or PartnerSwap. Min. = 0, Max. = 3 * argument is a value, the use of which depends upon the SwapType value passed into swapTypeU: - swapTypeU=0 (RegularSwap): argument is ignored / not used. - swapTypeU=1 (LongTermSwap): argument is the number of order intervals for the LT trade before expiry. - swapTypeU=2 (PartnerSwap): argument is the Partner address stored in a uint256. It is used to loop up the Partner's current arbitrage list contract address. Delegates: If the specified swapType is a LongTermSwap, the field can be used to specify a LT-Swap delegate. The delegate account is able to withdraw or cancel the LT-swap on behalf of the order owner (_swapRequest.from) at any time, so long as the recipient account specified for proceeds or refunds is the order owner. (The order owner does not have this restriction and direct proceeds or refunds to any desired account.) If the specified field is the null address or the order owner, then the delegate is disabled (and set to the null address).
The Balancer Vault balance of the token being sold to the pool. Min. = 0, Max. = (2**112) - 1
The Balancer Vault balance of the token being bought from the pool. Min. = 0, Max. = (2**112) - 1
Return Values
The amount of token being bought from the pool in this swap. For LT swaps this will always be zero. Proceeds from an LT swap can be withdrawn or the order refunded with an appropriate call to the IVault.exit function (see onExitPool documentation).
Called by the Vault when a user calls IVault.joinPool. Can be use to add liquidity to the pool in exchange for Liquidity Provider (LP) pool tokens or to reward the pool with liquidity (MEV rewards from arbitrageurs). WARNING: The initial liquidity provider, in a call to join the pool with joinTypeU=0 (JoinType.Join), will sacrifice MINIMUM_LIQUIDITY, 1000, Liquidity Provider (LP) tokens. This may be an insignificant sacrifice for tokens with fewer decimal places and high worth (i.e. WBTC). Importantly, the reward capability remains when the pool is paused to mitigate any possible issue with underflowed pool reserves computed by differencing the pool accounting from the pool token balances.
The ID for this pool in the Balancer Vault
is the account performing the Join or Reward transaction (typically an LP or MEV reward contract, respectively).
is the account designated to receive pool shares in the form of LP tokens when Joining the pool. Can be set to _sender if sender wishes to receive the tokens and Join Events.
an array containing the Balancer Vault balances of Token 0 and Token 1 in this pool. The balances are in the same order that IVault.getPoolTokens returns. Min. = 0, Max. = (2**112) - 1
the Balancer protocol fee. Min. = 0, Max. = 10**18
is uint256 value, joinTypeU, followed by an array of 2 uint256 values, amounts, and another array of 2 uint256 values, minAmounts, detailed below: * joinTypeU is decoded into the enum JoinType and determines if the transaction is a Join or Reward. Min. = 0, Max. = 1 * amountsInU112 are the amount of Token 0 and Token 1 to Join or Reward the pool with, passed in the same array ordering that IVault.getPoolTokens returns. Min. = 0, Max. = (2112) - 1 * minAmountsU112 are the minimum amount of Token 0 and Token 1 prices at which to Join the pool (protecting against sandwich attacks), passed in the same array ordering that IVault.getPoolTokens returns. The minAmountsU112 values are ignored unless joinTypeU is 0 (JoinType.Join). In the initial join, these values are ignored. Min. = 0, Max. = (2112) - 1
Return Values
is the amount of Token 0 and Token 1 provided to the pool as part of a Join or Reward transaction. Values are returned in the same array ordering that IVault.getPoolTokens returns. Min. = 0, Max. = (2**112) - 1
the amount of Token 0 and Token 1 collected by the pool for Balancer. Values are returned in the same array ordering that IVault.getPoolTokens returns. Min. = 0, Max. = (2**96) - 1
Called by the Vault when a user calls IVault.exitPool. Can be used to remove liquidity from the pool in exchange for Liquidity Provider (LP) pool tokens, to withdraw proceeds of a Long-Term (LT) order, to cancel an LT order, or by the factory owner to withdraw protocol fees if they are being collected.
is the ID for this pool in the Balancer Vault
is the account performing the liquidity removal, LT order withdrawl, LT order cancellation or the factory owner withdrawing fees. For long term orders, a "delegate" may be specified, this address is able to perform LT order withdraws and cancellations on behalf of the LT swap owner as long as the recipient is the LT swap owner.
For LT swaps the recipient must always be the original order owner (the address that issued the order) if a "delegate" address is performing the withdrawl or cancellation. If the order owner is performing the withdrawl or cancellation, the recipient can be set to whatever destination address desired. For other exit types (Exit & FeeWithdraw), the recipient can be set as desired so long as the sender is set to the authorized address.
is an array containing the Balancer Vault balances of Token 0 and Token 1 in this pool. The balances are in the same order that IVault.getPoolTokens returns. Min. = 0, Max. = (2**112) - 1
is the Balancer protocol fee. Min. = 0, Max. = 10**18
is uint256 value, exitTypeU, followed by a uint256, argument, detailed below: * exitTypeU is decoded into the enum ExitType and determines if the transaction is an Exit, Withdraw, Cancel, or FeeWithdraw. Min. = 0, Max. = 3 * argument is used differently based on the ExitType value passed into exitTypeU: - exitTypeU=0 (Exit): argument is the number of LP tokens to redeem on Exit. - exitTypeU=1 (Withdraw): argument is the LT Swap order ID. - exitTypeU=2 (Cancel): argument is the LT Swap order ID. - exitTypeU=3 (FeeWithdraw): argument is ignored / not used.
Return Values
is the amount of Token 0 and Token 1 provided by the pool as part of an Exit, LT Swap Withdrawl, LT Swap Cancel, or Fee Withdraw transaction. Values are returned in the same array ordering that IVault.getPoolTokens returns. Min. = 0, Max. = (2**112) - 1
the amount of Token 0 and Token 1 collected by the pool for Balancer. Values are returned in the same array ordering that IVault.getPoolTokens returns. Min. = 0, Max. = (2**96) - 1
Set the administrator status of the provided address, _admin. Status "true" gives administrative privileges, "false" removes privileges.
CAREFUL! You can remove all administrative privileges, rendering the contract unmanageable. NOTE: Must be called by the factory owner.
The address to add or remove administrative privileges from.
Whether to grant (true) or deny (false) administrative privileges.
Enables Cron-Fi fee collection for Long-Term swaps when the provided address, _feeDestination is not the null address.
_CAREFUL! Only the feeDestination address can collect Cron-Fi fees from the pool. NOTE: Must be called by the factory owner.
The address that can collect Cron-Fi Swap fees. If set to the null address, no Cron-Fi Long-Term swap fees are collected.
Sets whether the pool is paused or not. When the pool is paused: * New swaps of any kind cannot be issued. * Liquidity cannot be provided. * Virtual orders are not executed for the remainder of allowable operations, which include: removing liquidity, cancelling or withdrawing a Long-Term swap order, This is a safety measure that is not a part of expected pool operations.
NOTE: Must be called by an administrator.
Pause the pool (true) or not (false).
Set fee parameters.
NOTE: Total FP = 100,000. Thus a fee portion is the number of FP out of 100,000. NOTE: Must be called by an administrator.
A numerical value corresponding to the enum ParamType (see documentation for that above or values and corresponding ranges below).
A value to set the specified parameter given in _paramTypeU. The values and their ranges are as follows: Short-Term Swap Fee Points: * _paramTypeU = 0 (ParamType.SwapFeeFP) * 0 <= _value <= C.MAX_FEE_FP (1000, ~1.000%) Partner Swap Fee Points: * _paramTypeU = 1 (ParamType.PartnerFeeFP) * 0 <= _value <= C.MAX_FEE_FP (1000, ~1.000%) Long-Term Swap Fee Points: * _paramTypeU = 2 (ParamType.LongSwapFeeFP) * 0 <= _value <= C.MAX_FEE_FP (1000, ~1.000%)
Enable or disable the collection of Balancer Fees. When enabled Balancer takes a a portion of every fee collected in the pool. The pool remits fees to Balancer automatically when onJoinPool and onExitPool are called. Disabling balancer fees through this function supersedes any setting of balancer fee values in onJoinPool and onExitPool.
NOTE: Must be called by the factory owner.
When true, Balancer fees are collected, when false they are not collected.
Sets the fee shift that splits Long-Term (LT) swap fees remaining after Balancer's cut between the Liquidity Providers (LP) and Cron-Fi, if Cron-Fi fee collection is enabled.
NOTE: Must be called by the factory owner.
A value between 1 and 4. Specifiying invalid values results in no-operation (percentages are approximate). The implication of these values are outlined below and are only applicable if Cron-Fi fees are being collected: _feeShift = 1: LP gets 2 fee shares (~66%), Cron-Fi gets 1 fee share (~33%) _feeShift = 2: LP gets 4 fee shares (~80%), Cron-Fi gets 1 fee share (~20%) _feeShift = 3: LP gets 8 fee shares (~88%), Cron-Fi gets 1 fee share (~12%) _feeShift = 4: LP gets 16 fee shares (~94%), Cron-Fi gets 1 fee share (~6%)
Sets the arbitrageur list contract address, _arbitrageList, for an arbitrage partner, _arbPartner. To clear an arbitrage partner, set _arbitrageList to the null address.
NOTE: Must be called by an administrator.
The address of the arbitrage partner. This should be the aribtrage partner's public address and shareable with members of the the arbitrage list contract.
The address of a deployed arbitrageur list contract for the specified arbitrage partner. The deployed contract should conform to the interface IArbitrageurList.
Advances the specified arbitrage partner (msg.sender) arbitrageur list contract to the newest contract, if available. See IArbitrageurList for details on the calls made by this contract to that interface's nextList function.
NOTE: Must be called by an arbitrage partner.
Return Values
the new arbitrageur list contract address.
Executes active virtual orders, Long-Term swaps, since the last virtual order block executed, updating reserve and other state variables to the current block.
A block to update the virtual orders to. In most situations this would be the current block, however if the pool has been inactive for a considerable duration, specifying an earlier block allows gas use to be reduced in the event that the gas needed to update to the current block for a transaction to be performed exceeds the nominal or extended amounts available to an Ethereum transaction (15M & 30M respectively at the time of this writing). If the specified max block preceeds the last virtual order block then the current block number is automatically used.
Get the virtual price oracle data for the pool at the specified block, _maxBlock.
_Check that blockNumber matches _maxBlock to ensure that maxBlock was correctly specified.
is the block to determine the virtual oracle values at. Its value must be greater than the last virtual order block and less than or equal to the current block. Otherwise, current block is used in the computation and reflected in the return value, blockNumber.
Return Values
is the virtual timestamp in seconds corresponding to the price oracle values.
The virtual cumulative price of Token0 measured in amount of Token1 * seconds at timestamp.
The virtual cumulative price of Token1 measured in amount of Token0 * seconds at timestamp.
The block that the virtual oracle values were computed at. Should match parameter _maxBlock, unless _maxBlock was not greater than the last virtual order block or less than or equal to the current block.
Returns the TWAMM pool's reserves after the non-stateful execution of all virtual orders up to the specified maximum block (unless an invalid block is specified, which results in execution to the current block).
a block to update virtual orders to. If less than or equal to the last virtual order block or greater than the current block, the value is set to the current block number.
is true to indicate the result should be returned as though the pool is in a paused state where virtual orders are not executed and only withdraw, cancel and liquidations are possible (check function isPaused to see if the pool is in that state). If false then the virtual reserves are computed from virtual order execution to the specified block.
Return Values
The block that the virtual reserve values were computed at. Should match parameter _maxBlock, unless _maxBlock was not greater than the last virtual order block or less than or equal to the current block.
virtual reserves of Token0 in the TWAMM pool at blockNumber.
virtual reserves of Token1 in the TWAMM pool at blockNumber.
virtual amount of Token0 remaining to be sold to the pool in LT swap orders at blockNumber.
virtual amount of Token1 remaining to be sold to the pool in LT swap orders at blockNumber.
virtual amount of Token0 purchased from the pool by LT swap orders at blockNumber.
virtual amount of Token1 purchased from the pool by LT swap orders at blockNumber.
virtual Balancer fees collected for all types of Token0-->Token1 swaps at blockNumber.
virtual Balancer fees collected for all types of Token1-->Token0 swaps at blockNumber.
virtual Cron-Fi fees collected for Token0-->Token1 Long-Term swaps at blockNumber.
virtual Cron-Fi fees collected for Token1-->Token0 Long-Term swaps at blockNumber.
Get the price oracle data for the pool as of the last virtual order block.
Return Values
is the timestamp in seconds when the price oracle was last updated.
The cumulative price of Token0 measured in amount of Token1 * seconds.
The cumulative price of Token1 measured in amount of Token0 * seconds.
Return an array of the order IDs for the specified user _owner. Allows all orders to be fetched at once or pagination through the _offset and _maxResults parameters. For instance to get the first 100 orderIds of a user, specify _offset=0 and _maxResults=100. To get the second 100 orderIds for the same user, specify _offset=100 and _maxResults=100. To get all results at once, either specify all known results or 0 for _maxResults.
is the address of the owner to fetch order ids for.
is the number of elements from the end of the list to start fetching results from ( consult the operating description above).
is the maximum number of results to return when calling this function (i.e. if this is set to 1,000 and there are 10,000 results available, only 1,000 from the specified offset will be returned). If 0 is specified, then all results available are returned.
Return Values
A uint256 array of order IDs associated with user's address.
The number of order IDs returned (if a user has less than the specified maximum number of results, indices in the returned order ids array after numResults-1 will be zero).
The total number of order IDs associated with this user's address. (Useful for pagination of results--i.e. increase _offset by 100 until totalResults - 100 is reached).
Return the order information of a given order id.
is the id of the order to return.
Return Values
struct Order
is the order data corresponding to the given order id. See Order struct documentation for additional information.
Returns the number of virtual orders, Long-Term (LT) swaps, that have been transacted in this pool.
Return Values
The number of virtual orders issued (also the next order ID that is assigned to a LT swap.)
Returns the sales rate of each of the two order pools at the last virtual order block. This is the value persisted to state.
Return Values
order pool 0 sales rate. The amount of Token 0 sold to the pool, per block, in exchange for Token 1, on behalf of all active Long-Term (LT) swap orders, swapping Token0 for Token1, as of the last virtual order block. Min. = 0, Max. = (2**112) - 1
order pool 1 sales rate. The amount of Token 1 sold to the pool, per block, in exchange for Token 0, on behalf of all active Long-Term (LT) swap orders, swapping Token1 for Token0, as of the last virtual order block. Min. = 0, Max. = (2**112) - 1
Get the Last Virtual Order Block (LVOB) for the pool. This is the block number indicating the last block where virtual orders have been executed by the pool. If the LVOB is significantly less than the current block number, it indicates that the pool has been inactive and that a call to any function that requires the execution of virtual orders may incur siginificant gas use.
Return Values
is the last block number that virtual orders have been executed to.
Get the sales rate ending (per block) at the specified block number.
NOTE: these values are inserted into state at block numbers divisible by the Order Block Interval (OBI)--specifiying block numbers other than those evenly divisible by the OBI will result in the returned values being zero.
Gets the current Short-Term (ST) swap fee for the pool in Fee Points.
NOTE: Total FP = 100,000. Thus a fee portion is the number of FP out of 100,000.
Return Values
The ST swap Fee Points (FP). Min. = 0, Max. = 1000 (C.MAX_FEE_FP)
Gets the current Partner swap fee for the pool in Fee Points.
NOTE: Total FP = 100,000. Thus a fee portion is the number of FP out of 100,000.
Return Values
The Partner swap Fee Points (FP). Min. = 0, Max. = 1000 (C.MAX_FEE_FP)
Gets the current Long-Term (LT) swap fee for the pool in Fee Points.
NOTE: Total FP = 100,000. Thus a fee portion is the number of FP out of 100,000.
Return Values
The LT swap Fee Points (FP). Min. = 0, Max. = 1000 (C.MAX_FEE_FP)
Gets the amounts of Token0 and Token1 in active virtual orders waiting to be sold to the pool as of the last virtual order block.
Return Values
is the aggregated amount of Token0 for active swaps from Token0 to Token1, waiting to be sold to the pool since the last virtual order block. Min. = 0, Max. = (2**112)-1
is the aggregated amount of Token1 for active swaps from Token1 to Token0, waiting to be sold to the pool since the last virtual order block. Min. = 0, Max. = (2**112)-1
Get the proceeds of Token0 and Token1 resulting from virtual orders, Long-Term swaps, up to the last virtual order block.
Return Values
is the aggregated amount of Token0 from swaps selling Token1 for Token0 to the pool, waiting to be withdrawn, as of the last virtual order block. Min. = 0, Max. = (2**112)-1
is the aggregated amount of Token1 from swaps selling Token1 for Token0 to the pool, waiting to be withdrawn, as of the last virtual order block. Min. = 0, Max. = (2**112)-1
Gets the current value of the fee shift, which indicates how Long-Term (LT) swap fees are split between Cron-Fi and Liquidity Providers (LPs) when Cron-Fi fee collection is enabled.
Return Values
A value between 1 and 4 that is the fee shift used to determine fee spliting between Cron-Fi and LPs: Fee Shift = 1: LP gets 2 fee shares (~66%), Cron-Fi gets 1 fee share (~33%) Fee Shift = 2: LP gets 4 fee shares (~80%), Cron-Fi gets 1 fee share (~20%) Fee Shift = 3: LP gets 8 fee shares (~88%), Cron-Fi gets 1 fee share (~12%) Fee Shift = 4: LP gets 16 fee shares (~94%), Cron-Fi gets 1 fee share (~6%)
Gets the amounts of Token0 and Token1 collected as Cron-Fi fees on Long-Term (LT) swaps as of the last virtual order block.
Return Values
the amount of Token0 Cron-Fi fees collected as of the last virtual order block. Min. = 0, Max. = (2**96) - 1
the amount of Token1 Cron-Fi fees collected as of the last virtual order block. Min. = 0, Max. = (2**96) - 1
Use to determine if the pool is collecting Cron-Fi fees currently (Cron-Fi fees are only collected on Long-Term swaps if enabled).
Return Values
True if the pool is collecting Cron-Fi fees, false otherwise.
Use to determine if the pool is collecting Balancer fees currently (Balancer fees apply to any fee collected by the pool--Short and Long Term swaps).
Return Values
True if the pool is collecting Balancer fees, false otherwise.
Get the Balancer Fee charged by the pool.
Return Values
The current Balancer Fee, a number that is divided by 1e18 (C.ONE_DU1_18) to arrive at a fee multiplier between 0 and 1 with 18 fractional decimal digits. Min. = 0.000000000000000000, Max. = 1.000000000000000000
Gets the amounts of Token0 and Token1 collected as Balancer fees on all swaps as of the last virtual order block.
Return Values
the amount of Token0 Balancer fees collected as of the last virtual order block. Min. = 0, Max. = (2**96) - 1
the amount of Token1 Balancer fees collected as of the last virtual order block. Min. = 0, Max. = (2**96) - 1
Use to determine if the pool's virtual orders are currently paused. If virtual orders are paused, the pool will allow Long-Term (LT) swaps to be cancelled and withdrawn from as well as liquidity positions to be withdrawn.
Return Values
True if the pool is paused, false otherwise.
Reverts with error if msg.sender is not the factory owner.
This internal function is a modifier contract size optimization.
Reverts with error if msg.sender is not a pool administrator.
This internal function is a modifier contract size optimization.
Reverts with error if msg.sender is not an arbitrage partner.
This internal function is a modifier contract size optimization.
Reverts with error if the pool is paused.
This internal function is a modifier contract size optimization.
Computes the proceeds of a virtual order, Long-Term (LT) swap, for withdrawl or cancellation purposes. Proceeds are determined using the staking algorithm, where the user's order sales rate, _stakedAmountU128, represents their stake and the difference between the normalized proceeds at this juncture or their order end and order start are used to calculate their share. The normalized proceeds are stored in 128-bits with 64 fractional-bits, hence the scaling down by 64-bits below.
Note explanations for required underflow in this calculation below.
The current or order end normalized scaled proceeds value.
The normalized scaled proceeds value at the start of the order (or when it was last withdrawn from).
The order's sales rate in token per block.
the direction of this swap, true if selling Token 0 for Token1, false otherwise.
Last updated